One of my favorite investing philosophy clips in Hollywood is from “Meet the Parents.” It’s the famous scene where Owen Wilson tells Ben Stiller how much money he’s made in “wireless IPO’s.” Stiller’s character, clearly oblivious to the world of investing, struggles to keep up. At one point, Owen Wilson asks Stiller’s character how his portfolio is doing. Stiller responds, “…strong…to quite strong” in an unconvincing voice.
“Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication” -Leonardo da Vinci
Some form of that scene exists in hundreds of Hollywood films. The general gist is that successful investing is a mysterious endeavor where only the sophisticated, smart, and ultra-connected can succeed. Owen Wilson played a character who was a wealthy stock trader. Therefore, his character had the network and smarts to win at Wall Street.
The movie came out in the year 2000. This was the height of that kind of thinking. The dot com bubble was just about to burst. Stock traders and brokers were known as the gatekeepers to real wealth. Fee-only financial planning was barely in existence.
Fast forward to the present day, and much of that myth has been busted. It’s slowly becoming public knowledge that a low cost, simple investing philosophy has an enormous track record of beating expensive, complicated portfolios.
The battle is certainly not over. I’ve sat with way too many families and helped them learn precisely what fees they were paying in their investment accounts. Most commonly, their broker, often charging 1%+ each year, put their money into other funds or accounts that also charge them 1%+ each year. In several of those scenarios, these families were paying over $50,000 every year and were almost always underperforming the market.
In my view, there have recently been two leading champions in the investing world. These two have helped push an academic-based investing philosophy forward and have limited the faulty thinking found in “Meet the Parents.”
At Brownlee Wealth Management, we build and maintain your portfolio in an evidence-based, academically-defensible manner. Through our advantageous fee structure and sensible portfolios, we ensure that the money you make in your portfolio stays in your pocket, not ours. Schedule an intro call to find out how our prudent approach to investing works in your best interests.
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